本文安装环境是 CentOS7.6。安装版本是 postgresql-11 。推荐关闭SELinux和防火墙打开相应端口。
安装 postgresql-server。postgesql-server 官方安装 。
#设置安装源[root@promote ~]# yum install https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/11/redhat/rhel-7-ppc64le/pgdg-centos11-11-2.noarch.rpm#安装postgresql11-server[root@promote ~]# yum install postgresql11-server postgresql11-client postgresql11-libs postgresql11-contrib postgresql11-devel#初始化数据库[root@promote ~]# /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb#添加开机启动[root@promote ~]# systemctl enable postgresql-11
安装 postgis 。参考postgis 官方安装Red Hat / Centos / Scientific Linux 选项。
#安装epel-release[root@promote ~]# yum -y install epel-release#安装postgis[root@promote ~]# sudo yum install postgis25_11 postgis25_11-devel postgis25_11-client postgis25_11-debuginfo postgis25_11-utils#安装ogr_fdw11扩展[root@promote ~]# yum install ogr_fdw11 ogr_fdw11-debuginfo pgrouting_11 pgrouting_11-debuginfo#可选添加开机启动[root@promote ~]# systemctl enable postgresql-11#启动和查看postgresql-11服务[root@promote ~]# systemctl start postgresql-11[root@promote ~]# systemctl status postgresql-11[root@promote ~]# systemctl list-unit-files | grep postgresqlpostgresql-11.service enabled #查看开机启动[root@promote ~]# systemctl list-unit-files | grep postgresqlpostgresql-11.service enabled [root@promote ~]# #查看数据库服务端口开启情况[root@promote ~]# netstat -ntlp | grep posttcp 0 0* LISTEN 10592/postmaster tcp6 0 0 ::1:5432 :::* LISTEN 10592/postmaster [root@promote ~]#
[root@promote ~]# su - postgres#非第一次登录[root@promote ~]# su - postgres上一次登录:五 4月 12 16:51:07 CST 2019pts/1 上-bash-4.2$ psqlpsql (11.2)输入 "help" 来获取帮助信息.postgres=# #安装EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_sfcgal;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer_data_us;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;CREATE EXTENSIONpostgres=# postgres=# \dx 已安装扩展列表 名称 | 版本 | 架构模式 | 描述 ------------------------------+-------+------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- address_standardizer | 2.5.2 | public | Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step. address_standardizer_data_us | 2.5.2 | public | Address Standardizer US dataset example adminpack | 2.0 | pg_catalog | administrative functions for PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch | 1.1 | public | determine similarities and distance between strings plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language postgis | 2.5.2 | public | PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spatial types and functions postgis_sfcgal | 2.5.2 | public | PostGIS SFCGAL functions postgis_tiger_geocoder | 2.5.2 | tiger | PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder postgis_topology | 2.5.2 | topology | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions(9 行记录)postgres=# \d 关联列表 架构模式 | 名称 | 类型 | 拥有者 ----------+--------------------------+--------+---------- public | city | 数据表 | postgres public | geography_columns | 视图 | postgres public | geometry_columns | 视图 | postgres public | raster_columns | 视图 | postgres public | raster_overviews | 视图 | postgres public | spatial_ref_sys | 数据表 | postgres public | us_gaz | 数据表 | postgres public | us_gaz_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres public | us_lex | 数据表 | postgres public | us_lex_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres public | us_rules | 数据表 | postgres public | us_rules_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | addr | 数据表 | postgres tiger | addr_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | addrfeat | 数据表 | postgres tiger | addrfeat_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | bg | 数据表 | postgres tiger | bg_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | county | 数据表 | postgres tiger | county_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | county_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | countysub_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | cousub | 数据表 | postgres tiger | cousub_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | direction_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | edges | 数据表 | postgres tiger | edges_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | faces | 数据表 | postgres tiger | faces_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | featnames | 数据表 | postgres tiger | featnames_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | geocode_settings | 数据表 | postgres tiger | geocode_settings_default | 数据表 | postgres tiger | loader_lookuptables | 数据表 | postgres tiger | loader_platform | 数据表 | postgres tiger | loader_variables | 数据表 | postgres tiger | pagc_gaz | 数据表 | postgres tiger | pagc_gaz_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | pagc_lex | 数据表 | postgres tiger | pagc_lex_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | pagc_rules | 数据表 | postgres tiger | pagc_rules_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | place | 数据表 | postgres tiger | place_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | place_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | secondary_unit_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | state | 数据表 | postgres tiger | state_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | state_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | street_type_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | tabblock | 数据表 | postgres tiger | tabblock_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | tract | 数据表 | postgres tiger | tract_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | zcta5 | 数据表 | postgres tiger | zcta5_gid_seq | 序列数 | postgres tiger | zip_lookup | 数据表 | postgres tiger | zip_lookup_all | 数据表 | postgres tiger | zip_lookup_base | 数据表 | postgres tiger | zip_state | 数据表 | postgres tiger | zip_state_loc | 数据表 | postgres topology | layer | 数据表 | postgres topology | topology | 数据表 | postgres topology | topology_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres(64 行记录)postgres=# postgres=# create database gistest;postgres=# \c gistest#\x 开启或关闭扩展显示gistest=# \x扩展显示已关闭。gistest=# \d 关联列表 架构模式 | 名称 | 类型 | 拥有者 ----------+-------------------+--------+---------- public | geography_columns | 视图 | postgres public | geometry_columns | 视图 | postgres public | raster_columns | 视图 | postgres public | raster_overviews | 视图 | postgres public | spatial_ref_sys | 数据表 | postgres topology | layer | 数据表 | postgres topology | topology | 数据表 | postgres topology | topology_id_seq | 序列数 | postgres(8 行记录)gistest=# \l 数据库列表 名称 | 拥有者 | 字元编码 | 校对规则 | Ctype | 存取权限 -----------+----------+----------+-------------+-------------+----------------------- gistest | postgres | UTF8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | postgres | postgres | UTF8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | template0 | postgres | UTF8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | UTF8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | zh_CN.UTF-8 | =c/postgres + | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres(4 行记录)#查看版本信息postgres=# gistest=# \q-bash-4.2$ psqlpsql (11.2)输入 "help" 来获取帮助信息.postgres=# select postgis_full_version(); postgis_full_version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POSTGIS="2.5.2 r17328" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="110" GEOS="3.7.1-CAPI-1.11.1 27a5e771" SFCGAL="1.2.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.9.3, 15 August 2016" GDAL="GDAL 1.11.4, released 2016/01/25" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="0.11" TOPOLOGY RASTER(1 行记录)postgres=# exit-bash-4.2$ exit登出[root@promote ~]#
postgres=# \c postgrespostgres=# \x扩展显示已打开。#创建测试表postgres=# CREATE TABLE city (id int4, name varchar(50));CREATE TABLEpostgres=# SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('city', 'the_geom', 4326, 'POINT', 2);-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+--------------------------------------------------addgeometrycolumn | public.city.the_geom SRID:4326 TYPE:POINT DIMS:2 postgres=# select * from city;(0 行记录)postgres=# INSERT INTO city (id, the_geom, name) VALUES (1,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-0.1257 51.508)',4326),'London, England');INSERT 0 1postgres=# INSERT INTO city (id, the_geom, name) VALUES (2,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-81.233 42.983)',4326),'London, Ontario');INSERT 0 1postgres=# INSERT INTO city (id, the_geom, name) VALUES (3,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(27.91162491 -33.01529)',4326),'East London,SA');INSERT 0 1postgres=#
postgres=# SELECT * FROM city;-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------id | 1name | London, Englandthe_geom | 0101000020E6100000BBB88D06F016C0BF1B2FDD2406C14940-[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------------------id | 2name | London, Ontariothe_geom | 0101000020E6100000F4FDD478E94E54C0E7FBA9F1D27D4540-[ RECORD 3 ]------------------------------------------------id | 3name | East London,SAthe_geom | 0101000020E610000040AB064060E93B4059FAD005F58140C0postgres=# SELECT id, ST_AsText(the_geom), ST_AsEwkt(the_geom), ST_X(the_geom), ST_Y(the_geom) FROM city;-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------------------------------id | 1st_astext | POINT(-0.1257 51.508)st_asewkt | SRID=4326;POINT(-0.1257 51.508)st_x | -0.1257st_y | 51.508-[ RECORD 2 ]-------------------------------------id | 2st_astext | POINT(-81.233 42.983)st_asewkt | SRID=4326;POINT(-81.233 42.983)st_x | -81.233st_y | 42.983-[ RECORD 3 ]-------------------------------------id | 3st_astext | POINT(27.91162491 -33.01529)st_asewkt | SRID=4326;POINT(27.91162491 -33.01529)st_x | 27.91162491st_y | -33.01529postgres=# SELECT p1.name,p2.name,ST_Distance_Sphere(p1.the_geom,p2.the_geom) FROM city AS p1, city AS p2 WHERE p1.id > p2.id;警告: ST_Distance_Sphere signature was deprecated in 2.2.0. Please use ST_DistanceSphere-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------name | London, Ontarioname | London, Englandst_distance_sphere | 5875787.03777356-[ RECORD 2 ]------+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Englandst_distance_sphere | 9789680.59961472-[ RECORD 3 ]------+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Ontariost_distance_sphere | 13892208.6782928postgres=# postgres=# SELECT p1.name,p2.name,ST_DistanceSphere(p1.the_geom,p2.the_geom) FROM city AS p1, city AS p2 WHERE p1.id > p2.id;警告: ST_Distance_Sphere signature was deprecated in 2.2.0. Please use ST_DistanceSphere-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-----------------name | London, Ontarioname | London, Englandst_distance_sphere | 5875787.03777356-[ RECORD 2 ]------+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Englandst_distance_sphere | 9789680.59961472-[ RECORD 3 ]------+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Ontariost_distance_sphere | 13892208.6782928postgres=# SELECT p1.name,p2.name,ST_DistanceSphere(p1.the_geom,p2.the_geom) FROM city AS p1, city AS p2 WHERE p1.id > p2.id;-[ RECORD 1 ]-----+-----------------name | London, Ontarioname | London, Englandst_distancesphere | 5875787.03777356-[ RECORD 2 ]-----+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Englandst_distancesphere | 9789680.59961472-[ RECORD 3 ]-----+-----------------name | East London,SAname | London, Ontariost_distancesphere | 13892208.6782928postgres=#